Saturday, 12 October 2013

Thank you

Hi everyone,thank you everyone for the best wishes,it cheered me up a lot,and today I got a stunning card from Jennifer thank you.they say I am making progress ,walking with a frame,I can not walk without it,or stand or get out of bed,the things we do with out thinking ,I can not do I am having a blue day to day, They are fantastic to me here in the Hospital,nothing is trouble to them,so wil try and keep you up to date when I have energy. Smiles Ita

Friday, 4 October 2013

News from ita

Hi everyone,I have being very ill,op went wrong,I had a heart attack ,then a massive bleed,then 2 hours to live transferred to cork ,reignola hospital. To I,c,u, who saved my life,I amazed every one and fraught my way back,I have a long road ahead I am still in hospital and will be for another few weeks,excuse. Spelling etc drips in hand,